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No Pool? No Problem!

Packing and moving in the middle of the summer does not mean that your kids have to sit at home with nothing to do. Especially if you do not have a backyard pool, there are still plenty of activities that the whole family can do, that will get everyone off the couch and feeling cool in no time! Keep cool this summer with some of these fun-filled backyard activities from your local Kansas City movers.


Wait! Before you throw out that soda liter bottle, transform it into the ultimate bottle blaster that will keep your kids entertained for hours. What's even better, you most likely already have these items from your moving supplies.

What you will need is:

  • 2-liter bottle

  • Pencil

  • Pushpin

  • ¾ inch by ¾ inch swivel hose adapter

Once you have these items, use the push pin to make eight holes on one side of your 2-liter bottle, and then use a pencil to widen them. Then, screw the adapter onto the bottle and tighten. From there, all you have to do is attach the hose and turn on the water = instant hours of entertainment and a great break from your move to Kansas City.

Jump Rope.

Not only will it get your kids out of the house and give them a break from unpacking moving boxes, it will also get them active in making friends in their new neighborhood. A summer-take on classic jump rope, this will undoubtedly create hours of fun competition throughout the neighborhood. All you have to do is set up a normal game of jump rope, but give each player a full cup of water. When it is each player's turn, have them jump for ten turns while simultaneously holding their cup. At the end, whoever has the most water in the end is the jump rope winner!

Cold Potato.

The same idea as hot potato, but with a twist. Take a water balloon and poke a hole in it, then fill it up with water. The trick is to make sure that it has a slow leak. From there, gather everyone in a circle and toss the balloon around, which will get everyone wet throughout the game. Whoever is left with the empty water balloon at the end of the game, loses, but everyone still gets cooled off in the process. Cold potato is a another great way for your family to take a break from moving and invite the new neighbors.

Pool-less Marco Polo.

Instead of a pool, substitute a water gun. Just because you do not have a pool in your backyard, does not mean that you can't play Marco Polo. All you have to do is choose who will go first and, after blindfolding them, arm them with a water gun. After counting to ten, the players have to respond with “Polo” after the seeker yells “Marco.” The first person to get sprayed with the water gun is the next “Marco”.