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Effective Ways to Prevent Clutter

Keeping your house free of clutter is a task that requires constant attention. Luckily, your friends at the Memphis movers have tips to help you manage clutter on a daily level that will seamlessly fit into your everyday life. While these steps seem simple, they truly have an impact on the amount of junk that you can keep outside of your home, so it’s important to practice them each daily. Set aside about 45 minutes-1 hour a day and you can keep your home clean, organized, and calming. Read on to learn more about how to keep clutter out of your home and organize your life all at once.

Donate Items Once a Week. At least once a week, select five items that you no longer need, want or use. Donate them to the homeless, or shelters such as Salvation Army, or give them away to family/friends, or toss them all together. Toys, clothing, DVDs, and magazines can all take up space in your home that needs to be addressed and cleaned out periodically. Pass along books and other items you don’t use regularly and watch space open up in your home.

Challenge Yourself with a Timer. Straighten up your desk in five minutes, clean the bathroom in fifteen minutes, and fold a load of laundry in ten minutes. Giving yourself limits will prevent procrastination and also help you realize that small efforts made on a regular basis can help in the overall scheme of maintaining a clean home.

Give Yourself Ample Storage. Figure out what works best for you, and create a system. Inventory how much stuff you have, what needs to be readily available, and where you can maximize storage despite the way closets are currently set up. Maybe you like your clothes organized by item and color, or maybe you work better by organizing your closet into pre-planned outfits. Whatever works for you, set up your space to work that way. Items constantly passed over should be donated.

Toss Junk Mail Outside. Check the mail while walking up the driveway or at the front door and immediately toss what you don’t need or want. Junk mail can also come in the form of envelopes and plastic discarded from magazines and other mail can quickly be a source of clutter in your home. Get rid of it and nip its cluttersome ways in the bud!