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How to Plan a Fourth of July Neighborhood Parade and Cookout

Packing and moving in the middle of the summer can make moving with your kids a challenge. After all, you do not want to listen to them complain about how they have no friends to play with in their new city. Similarly, chances are that they do not want to move when school is out and all of the kids their age are out of town on vacation, or away at camp; making it so that they do not have enough time to say goodbye and hang out.

Turn packing and moving during summer, into an opportunity for the whole family to make friends and get to know the new neighborhood. Let’s face it, what better way to make a good impression on your neighbors, than by organizing a neighborhood Fourth of July parade and cookout? Follow these steps from your local Memphis movers and plan a fun and stress-free Fourth of July neighborhood parade and cookout that will help you and your family make so many friends, it will be as if you lived there your entire life!

  1. Route. First and foremost, plan out the route of your neighborhood parade, whether it simply be around the block and cul-de-sac or exploring further. If it is the latter of the two and includes bikes or trucks, then make sure that you do not need to get permission from the Memphis city council in order to block off the street. Make the route as festive as possible by decorating whatever trees and buildings that are along the path, with American flags and red, white & blue banners.
  2. Invites. Don’t forget to invite all of your guests, as well as recruit people to be participants in the parade. Send out invitations that remind everyone to wear their best red, white & blue outfits, decorate their home with Fourth of July decorations, and to put out lawn chairs along the route.
  3. Float. You can’t have a parade without floats! Simply recruit a friend or neighbor with a truck and flatbed to loan it for the official neighborhood parade for a couple of hours. Once you have a truck, take a rectangular piece of chicken wire fencing and then stuff red, white and blue tissue paper in it to create a large American flag. Use wire to attach your giant flag to the back of the trailer and then decorate it with streamers. Lastly, add hay bales for rider seating and decide what kind of candy you want to throw to the parade attendees!
  4. Participants. Get the whole neighborhood involved in the parade by helping kids decorate their scooters and bikes so they can be a part of the official parade. Take the time to find out which neighbors can play instruments, dance, sing, or do anything else that would be perfect for adding into the parade. Inspire everyone to put their best foot forward by giving out awards for the “most creative vehicle”, “best parade performance”, and “most American festive home on the block”.
  5. Relax. Tell everyone to bring one appetizer and set up a beverage station for the Fourth of July potluck. Then, sit back and relax on your blanket or lawn chair and enjoy the fruits of your labor with your neighborhood’s first successful Fourth of July parade!