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Tips for Moving with Children

Moving is already stressful, but moving with children can be a downright hand-full. Between packing their rooms and dealing with breakdowns over leaving old friends behind, you may start to think this is a moving experience you'll soon want to forget.

To help you better prepare your entire family for a move, our local Baton Rouge movers at All My Sons Moving & Storage have put together a list of tips for moving with children:

Tip 1. Talk to your kids about your move early on. Children need time to adjust to the idea of change, so give your kids a head's up about your move as early as possible. Try and make them feel like they are a part of the decision and regularly ask them how they are feeling about the change throughout the move.

Tip 2. Listen and take your kids' concerns into consideration. It's just as important to listen to your children as it is to ask them how they are feeling about your move. Even if you aren't able to give them what they want, Baton Rouge movers suggest treating your children's concerns about moving with respect and understanding.

Tip 3. Let your kids throw a party. Encourage your children to have a going-away party or sleep over to allow them more time with their friends. Be sure to put a positive spin on the party, so your kids and their friends see your move as an exciting thing rather than sad.

Tip 4. Move at the right time. Sometimes, we can't help it...a job or other circumstance changes and you have to move your family right away. However, if you can help it, try and plan a move at a time that is convenient for your kids and their schedules. Consider times like summer, when your kids are out of school and stress is low to make your move to Baton Rouge.

Tip 5. Stick to as many family routines as possible. Once your settled into your new home, maintain as many familiar routines as you can to help your children adjust to their new environment. If your family is used to having dinner together at 6:30, continue to do so. Children relate familiarity to comfort and in the first couple months after a move, you'll want to make them feel as comfortable as possible.

Tip 6. Let your kids help with the moving and unpacking. Again, letting your children a part of the moving process and decision-making will help them feel more comfortable with the idea of moving.

Tip 7. Take time to make your family's move fun. Be sure to set some time aside for fun and laughter during your move to Baton Rouge. While you're packing your kids' rooms, sit with them for a few minutes and reminisce over pictures or old arts and crafts projects they have made. Once you've arrived at your new home and unpacked, use the moving boxes to create fun forts and tunnels for your children to play with.