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How to Pack Your Belongings for Easy Unpacking Later

Everyone knows that moving can be a great pain. While the end result is usually nice, the process itself is something that most people wish they could avoid. It's difficult to find people to help you move on moving day, and it's a challenge to pack up everything you own in an organized fashion. Thankfully, you can hire Raleigh movers to do the packing, loading, and transporting to your new home. If you are someone who prefers to do their own packing, here are some ideas to make the process as smooth and pain free as possible.

Get Rid Of What You Don't Need

The first step to make moving a breeze is to get rid of everything that you no longer want or need. You don't want to have to get rid of things when you move into your new house, so it's important to get rid of those things now. If you have a room that's full of clutter such as an attic, basement, or garage, try getting three large trash cans and using one for your keep pile, one for your throw away pile, and one for your donate or sell pile. Go through each belonging and decide which category it belongs in. If you put something into your keep pile, make sure you have an idea of where it will go so that it doesn't wind up becoming clutter again. Try to do this the day before your trash day so that you don't have to worry about the trash being in your way for a few days. If necessary, spread this task out over a few days or even a week or two if it's too much to do in one day. Once you have gone through all of your items, have a garage sale or donate them to a charity.

Pack Like Things Together

After you have gotten rid of the things you don't want to bring with you on the move, it's time to pack. This is the most important step to make unpacking easy for you later. Make sure that when you are packing, you are doing so in an organized manner. Don't put kitchen items together with bathroom things. Make sure that the entire box is dedicated to one room. Even further, try to keep everything that belongs together. For example, pack all of your books in the same box.

Label Properly

Many people simply write what's in the box on the outside of the box. However, this can make it difficult when you are looking for one specific thing. Instead, try numbering each box and creating a master list. On your master list, write the number and put everything that is in the box, as well as what room it belongs in. That way, if you need something in particular after you move in before you have had a chance to unpack, you can simply look at the master list to find which box you need.

Following these simple steps can make packing and unpacking a breeze. Of course, if you don't feel like doing the packing at all, consider asking Raleigh movers for help. They will pack your things carefully and in an organized manner, making it easy for you to unpack once you are in your new home.