All My Sons Moving & Storage
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Dallas Testimonials

All My Sons Moving & Storage in Texas

I used your company to move on Jan 26, 2011. My Mother had used you in the past to move my daughter around Denton for college, and then finally to Austin Ranch. She raved about your service and she highly recommended you guys. So I went with it. I was very impressed with the service that I received. Juan and his partner were phenomenal! The attitude that they possessed was absolutely incredible. Juan was a delight to have around. They both were very professional and eager to assist. The move was difficult since they had to move from upstairs in an apartment to a house on a hill where they could not get the truck to the top. The driveway has a huge incline, and never once did they complain or act like it was hard. I am most appreciative of their work ethics and attitude. Please give them some kind of Kudos for their efforts. I truly believe in loyalty and will always recommend you guys to all.

Thank you again, Marigay Dallas, TX

Cheryl rated her service from All My Sons (AMS) excellent on every count including appearance and attitude of crew, moving ability, cleanliness of truck, office personnel and overall service. She checked with the Better Business Bureau and found no complaints. She reported that the crew “absolutely” came prepared and punctually for her move, were courteous and very knowledgeable about what they were to do. All three men were efficient and very careful, but also quick. She said they “put (me) at total ease.” Cheryl has no suggestions to improve AMS’ service because (her) experience was great!” This customer “will recommend (AMS) highly to anyone.” The crew on her move was Vakiva, Fred and Ramon.

Cheryl Ft. Worth, TX

Tina rated her All My Sons move as excellent in terms of appearance and attitude of crew, cleanliness of truck, office personnel and overall service. She chose All My Sons because the people she dealt with to plan her move were reliable, flexible and friendly. The crew came prepared for her move, and was fast, very careful and broke nothing! “There was no damage on walls, and we had a lot of fun together (usually we dislike moving). Tina suggests that to improve AMS’ service, AMS should treat the crew that moved her family with respect so they will hopefully ‘want to stay a long time with your company. For us, it was a perfect day!”

Tina Melissa, TX

Cynthia was very impressed with the speed and organization of the operation. She was also impressed with the moving crew’s professional attitude and preparedness. She selected excellent when questioned about the crew’s appearance and attitude, their moving ability, cleanliness of the truck, office personnel and overall experience. She learned about All My Sons from its Web site. Cynthia didn’t feel it was necessary to oversee the move because “everything just seemed to flow very well.” Her suggestion is to “give each employee a socket wrench along with their standard equipment.” Cynthia says she will call All My Sons for her next move.

Cynthia Dallas, TX